Thursday 28 July 2016

Second storey going up

And it's a good view from here...

Almost ready to break through...

Around 3000 blocks, so we're told.


25 kg of grass seed doesn't go as far as we thought...

Sunday 24 July 2016

Taking in the view

It's big...

Mapping out the second floor

Looks like it will be a great storey...

Some peace and quiet

When you need a bit of time out...

What a load of rubbish

Another bonfire

 I think we're ready for another skip too

Oh dear...

Now we need to take the tiles off carefully...

Moving bricks

Heavy work...

Ground floor structure done

Now, where shall we put the oven?

Lounge a lot bigger now, but do you think we should add another window?

This will be one great view...

Still a few gaps

Let's hope it holds up...

That's better

Back lane is looking smart